Momiji's Birthday and Christmas Socks

Happy new year! I hope everyone had a peaceful holiday.

I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who visited my blog in 2017. I'm looking forward to continuing sharing my sewing, knitting and any other crafts journey this year!

I wasn't able to post all the things I made at the end of last year, so in this month I'll be sharing things that I made in 2017.

Before that, I'd like to mention about someone special. Our dog Momiji turned 11 years old on December 30th!

I think I write similar things every year on her birthday, but I'm going to repeat it again because somethings cannot be said enough.

She's very special to me.

When I moved to Canada 10 years ago, I brought her with me all the way from Japan. Here in Canada, I have no one who's known me since my childhood, and that thought sometimes makes me feel lonely. Momiji's been in my life for a little over 10 years and that's not my childhood either, but at least I have someone who lived with me both in Japan and in Canada. That was very comforting when I first moved here. She is a little bit of home that I brought with me.

Her warmth, her soft hair, her puppy smell, her dark eyes, her happy tail—they can make my homesickness go away.

When I'm stressed, I take her for a walk. Just watching her walk lifts up my spirit. There're no words between us, yet we can communicate through her leash and our body languages. That makes me really happy.

She may not know how to feed herself and in that way she may be dependent on us. But it's really us (husband and I) who need her. I am forever indebted to her deeply. She gives us so much love and teaches us to be positive everyday. I live everyday hoping that I can return that love, and to be worthy of receiving love that is so pure. We love you, Momiji. Happy birthday!


Thanks for reading my mushy comments about our pup, now it's time to share a new pair of socks I made for Christmas!

I've been eyeing on Stray Cat Socks self-striping sock yarn for a while. I finally ordered a ball that is a perfect colourway for Christmas which is called Joyeux Noël. I also ordered a matching mini semi-solid in red for heels and toes. They came in the cutest packaging!

I used Smooth Operator Socks pattern by Susan B. Anderson as I wanted a simple pattern to showcase the colourway.

I love how it turned out! Self-striping sock yarn is so fun to knit, it's addictive.

I've knit a pair of socks for my husband and another pair for my sister (not blogged yet) before, but this is the first completed pair for myself! I wore them all day on Christmas day and I was amazed at how comfortable hand-knitted socks are! Of course it helps when the yarn is so soft like this one.

I can't wait to knit more socks this year! I've already purchased other sock patterns as there're so many methods to make socks and I'm determined to try many of them and find my go-to sock pattern.

What's your favourite sock pattern?

Jan 8, 2018


Morgan Jeans


London Backpack